New to St Albans - thinking of joining us?What you should know:
The congregation of
Lattimore Gospel Hall has never had an ordained minister. In that sense we are a do it
yourself congregation.
You do not need to
ask to join, if you belong to Christ then you belong. We know of no
other basis of fellowship than being a member of His body 1 Cor 12 v
12 - 13, Rom 15 v 7. We do not have a
hierarchy that one has to submit to, for we all submit to the Lord, His word and one another.
We are a small but growing congregation at the moment
No collection is taken - there is a basket at the back of the hall. We do need someone who can raise the hymns or/and can provide the music - we have piano and organ.
And the Jerusalem Experience Exhibition needs helpers
The Lord's Supper is
regarded as our central meeting (see link at the side), and together with our prayer meetings / bible conversations, all are open meetings. We believe in
freedom of exercise 1 Cor 14.
We are not a reformed
doctrine congregation (although some in the congregation might be). Our stance is that anyone can be saved by believing in our
Lord Jesus Christ, not for a little while but for life, John 3 v 16, Acts 16 v 30 - 33.
The Word of God is our
guide and we believe all in it. Therefore, we believe in the rapture, 1
Thess 4 v 15 - 18; the great tribulation, Matthew 24 v 15 - 31 which includes the restoration of Israel by a returning Lord Jesus
Christ; the 1000 years reign of Christ, Rev 19 v 4 - 6;
plus the myriad of promises for Israel yet to be fulfilled. God
keeps all his promises.
Our hall is very
accommodating and anyone exercised in reaching out to children,
youth, mothers or older people with the gospel will find the liberty to do so, our facility is there to be used. Also, with a top quality exhibition on the premises that caters for children and adults, we have in this an advantage for reaching out to the community and schools etc.
All major decisions are made at business
meetings or at the time a matter needs dealing with by us all, as every member is vital.
For legal reasons we
have to keep a register of members to meet charity rules – regular
attendance makes one a member, no attendance without a valid reason
for twelve weeks takes one off the register. Joining with us will help us all. If you are exercised before the Lord and want to use the Hall for reaching out with the gospel or to help believers - this is where you can.