Special Events
The Planned Ministry Meetings at Lattimore Gospel Hall www.lattimore.org.uk –
if the Lord wills. Zoom meetings Time: 8.00pm Thursdays and 4.30pm SundaysMeeting ID: 527 007 5712
Passcode: Ram7vL If you would like extra bible study or prayer please contact us. ------------------------------------------ Exhibiting at Lattimore Gospel Hall and now open for viewing 2.30pm - 5.30pm every Sunday,
40 minute presentation featuring past and future temples, including Ezekiel's temple. 13ft x 7ft large floor standing model of Herod's temple during the times of the Lord Jesus Christ. 3D film of the life of the Lord in a proper cinema with tiered seating. Vent-Axia silent air extraction to the outside of the building. 20min
Beautifully made 6ft model of Noah's Ark following the description in Genesis 6 v 14-16. Cutaways allow you to see the inside, illuminated. 6ft base relief 3D map of Israel with VDU above. The map shows 160 locations with video film attached. To operate, use the codes and key board. If you are planning a trip to Israel this might be useful to you. Display with artifacts of the Sabbaths and all the feasts of Jehovah and Purim, plus three leaflets with more extended coverage.
.Noahs Ark model in a special room
.New Prophetic section
3D printed models of the temple in sections that children can piece together from memory, plus other written exercises for them. There is a separate area where they can sit and do this.
If you are planning a visit please allow over 90 minutes a full visit will e4ceed 2 hours
This exhibition is of a very high standard and is in excellent condition. The talk is given by Howard, the maker of the exhibits and the 3D film, so this is unique. Email: bible.ventures@gmail.com